Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Prayer for Perfect Health of A Friend

I know that there is One Source of the entire universe, that Source moves perfectly. In the Source which is the Mind of God, all is well and only well. There is pure and perfect harmony and ease of movement, flow and containment.

And I am one with that Source. I am one with the ease of flow and growth and life. I am completely contained by it and moves in me as me. I am one with perfect health and as it is true for me, it is true for R who is also one with the perfect source of health. Inseperable without end.

Knowing this I CJ Walton declare my word into law on behalf of R. God is only Abundant Health. That his health is one with the Perfect Mind of God that the health of God is expressing itself through Rob as Rob in all situations. As the sun shines steadily and never goes out; night is merely a temporary perspective of the earth to the sun I know that appearances have no say on the power of God. Clouds of rain may hide the sun for a time, but even then, the sun shines on. Such is the health and healing of God expressing in R as R. This I know, that the God is All there Is and the Great I AM vitalizes every little I am to extent that I believe. So I declare that health is shining through despite the opinions of others, despite appearances and God is right here right now in control shining perfect love, perfect health, perfect peace, perfect healing, perfect joy and confidence right here right now in the life of R. This word declared here resound throughout creation and takes form around Rob as a new fact in his experience. Perfect action of Spirit creative law provides all that R needs.

It is simple to be grateful for my clear knowing of the truth about R's health. I celebrate the good that comes to Rob now. I celebrate her expression of Source showing itself in perfect ways for R and all who read this prayer. I celebrate and welcome the manifestation of love now unfolding in his life.

So speaking my word into the perfection action of the Law of Mind, Knowing that it is spoken in truth, believing I know it is done I take my hands off the matter and let Good, let God and so it is.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Talent is Valuable

"Knowing that there is One Mind and it is the mind of God. It is the mind of All. It is the Source of all things. This is all that there is. "

"I am one with that Source. That Source is all of me is bigger than me and is
working with me, thru me, as me. I am a complete soul without end or limitation"

"So I declare that my talent is valuable and needed that the universe
longs for my participation and expression. That as all life pushes forward,
my talent reaches through the murky times and reaches the surface like the
a seed grow pass the darkness and into the light. I know the entire universe is for
me. That what I percieve as dark is actually nurturing soil keeping me safe, feeding my growth and guiding to the fullest expression of my good. I know this and this power is in all my affairs including my employment and income opportunities. The universe can only help and I can only be victorious.
How Great is my Good, how full is my God, Grateful, Grateful, Grateful is my response to the overwhelming supply which is mine. Simple, Simple, Simple is my joy and appreciation for right here and right now I have nothing else but the thankfulness of satisfaction"

"So in this simplicity of victory, in this clarity of action I release my word, my whole being into the law, the inevitable unfolding . My word cannot return to me void. And so it is.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Prayer of Original Substance

And Knowing There is One. The One, the First Cause, the Original Creator and this One is called God, Goddess, Source. Good.

God created from the only substance God had, God itself. And I am a part of God, I am of the original substance from the Original Creator and I am one with God a part of God, I am not all of God but God is all of me and so I stand in the knowing all creation is made of the same stuff, the original substance of creation is in me.
Having all creation in me, I have no worry for lack. For lack is impossible when all of creation is made from the One substance. How can anything be withheld from me when it is merely another form of the same substance I am made from? Money, health, muscles, music, sinews and status are made of the same stuff, the God stuff that is me.

So, I deny lack. Lack is an illusion with devastating consequences. For there is no lack, there is only attention. What I pay attention to will pay a visit to me. What I attend, will rule me. So in great reverence, I staunchly turn my back to lack in all its disguises and I turn my attention only to that which fulfills me. Resolutely I turn my back to fear and lack and calmly keep my poise and remain undistracted by the fear of disapproval; for those who disapprove are only paying attention to fear. Let them attend to who they choose to serve, but like Joshua, “ for me and my house’’ for me and my mind I will serve the Good and attend to only that.

I speak my word for the joy of outstanding work for outstanding pay and satisfaction. I know that my Good is working with me, for me, by me, and through me, as a living demonstration of the Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient Good, in the form of health, prosperity, success, and wealth!

I attend to my time with the gusto of seeking joy and fulfillment. I love my relationships and welcome stronger bonds to those who like me, have turned their attention to abundance. My attention draws me to mentors, lovers, and friends of like mind, who wish to teach me, learn from me, and walk with me in the path of fulfillment. These relationships challenge me to keep focused on the good, to grow in abundance and encourage me whenever I need it.

I find relief in the simplicity of my calling.-- Attend to my good. I rejoice that the burdens of past thinking are gone and the easy yoke of abundant life is mine from now and forever. I am grateful for the keys to simple abundant living. I am grateful that for my life. Come what may, I am Good enough, I am God enough and all that is more than me will be handled by the The Original Source and through like-minded community. I say “Grateful, grateful, Grateful!” The Yoke is easy, burden is light ! Grateful, Grateful, Grateful! So, into law I release my word, like the song says “ I release and let go and let the Spirit rule my life, I am only here for God.” And because it is true it is true for EVERY MAN, WOMAN, AND CHILD, who reads or hear this. Amen, Ashe and SO IT IS.

Copyright 2009

Monday, December 15, 2008

Meditation on Forgiveness

Not sure where it comes for but it is so pretty and I love it. A friend shared it with me. If you find the source let me know so I can give credit thanks.

Affirm silently to yourself:
“May I be filled with loving kindness.”
In this peaceful, quiet space silently affirm to yourself:
If I have hurt or harmed anyone, knowingly or unknowingly, I now ask their forgiveness.
May we be filled with loving kindness
As people come to mind continue to silently affirm: “May we be filled with loving kindness
In this peaceful, quiet space silently affirm to yourself:
If anyone has hurt or harmed me, knowingly or unknowingly, I now offer my forgiveness
Allow the image of whoever to come to mind and silently affirm: May we be filled with loving kindness
Allow this silent mantra to bring you back to that place of peaceful relaxation.
Bring your attention back to your breathe and just breathe
In this peaceful, quiet space silently affirm to yourself
For all the ways I have hurt and harmed myself, I now ask and accept forgiveness
If any feelings of discomfort surface, affirm silently to yourself:
May I be filled with loving kindness

Bring your attention back to your breathe and just breathe (15 seconds or so)

Friday, November 28, 2008

More From William Wattles

Has ever a better book been written on wealth?

"I have said that people get rich by doing things in a certain way,
and in order to do so, people must become able to think in a certain
way. A person’s way of doing things is the direct result of the way he
thinks about things. To do things in the way you want to do them, you
will have to acquire the ability to think the way you want to think. This
is the first step toward getting rich. And to think what you want to
think is to think TRUTH, regardless of appearances. Every individual
has the natural and inherent power to think what he wants to think,
but it requires far more effort to do so than it does to think the
thoughts, which are suggested by appearances. To think according to
appearances is easy; to think truth regardless of appearances is
laborious and requires the expenditure of more power than any other
work we are called upon to perform." --William Wattles- Science of Getting Rich.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Do You Have an Aversion To Wealth?

Do you have an aversion to wealth? Do you object to being rich? Does the word "Abundance" borther you? If you have the slightest reservations, then you'd better check your belief system regarding God.--John Randolph Price