Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Prayer for Perfect Health of A Friend

I know that there is One Source of the entire universe, that Source moves perfectly. In the Source which is the Mind of God, all is well and only well. There is pure and perfect harmony and ease of movement, flow and containment.

And I am one with that Source. I am one with the ease of flow and growth and life. I am completely contained by it and moves in me as me. I am one with perfect health and as it is true for me, it is true for R who is also one with the perfect source of health. Inseperable without end.

Knowing this I CJ Walton declare my word into law on behalf of R. God is only Abundant Health. That his health is one with the Perfect Mind of God that the health of God is expressing itself through Rob as Rob in all situations. As the sun shines steadily and never goes out; night is merely a temporary perspective of the earth to the sun I know that appearances have no say on the power of God. Clouds of rain may hide the sun for a time, but even then, the sun shines on. Such is the health and healing of God expressing in R as R. This I know, that the God is All there Is and the Great I AM vitalizes every little I am to extent that I believe. So I declare that health is shining through despite the opinions of others, despite appearances and God is right here right now in control shining perfect love, perfect health, perfect peace, perfect healing, perfect joy and confidence right here right now in the life of R. This word declared here resound throughout creation and takes form around Rob as a new fact in his experience. Perfect action of Spirit creative law provides all that R needs.

It is simple to be grateful for my clear knowing of the truth about R's health. I celebrate the good that comes to Rob now. I celebrate her expression of Source showing itself in perfect ways for R and all who read this prayer. I celebrate and welcome the manifestation of love now unfolding in his life.

So speaking my word into the perfection action of the Law of Mind, Knowing that it is spoken in truth, believing I know it is done I take my hands off the matter and let Good, let God and so it is.

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